Our guiding principle: Environmental commitment
We are a technology company that takes environmental protection very seriously. With our products we offer modern, economical and effective services in the field of machining tools.
In the manufacture of our products, we employ the most modern technologies in order to protect the environment and save resources. That is precisely why we would like to demonstrate to the public and our customers that we strive to do what is technically and economically feasible for environmental protection issues in the area of our own production and thus also comply with the environmental policy guidelines that can be derived from the company principles.
We are committed to the following environmental policy guidelines:
a.) Responsibility for environmental protection begins with the company management
b.) We consider environmental protection as a necessary measure to achieve our company goals. The company's objectives are to be achieved as far as financially/technically feasible. Environmental aspects are therefore integrated into the decision-making and operational structure of our management system. We are committed to compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
c.) Environmental protection is an essential management task. The supervisors assume a decisive role model function and responsibility.
d.) The cooperation of all employees is necessary for the implementation of the environmental policy. That is why the employees of all company departments are comprehensively informed and integrated into the environmental protection concept.
e.) Environmental protection is an integral part of our training measures. We inform the employees about our company's environmental measures and motivate them to take personal responsibility and behave in an environmentally conscious manner at their workplace.
f.) As part of our annual targets, we regularly compare and evaluate the progress in terms of environmental protection at our company's level with the targets and programmes, if possible in quantified form.
g.) Our objective is to consider environmental protection aspects to a much greater extent in the development processes of our products. We pay attention to improving the functionality of our products while at the same time reducing the consumption of resources and increasing the environmental compatibility of our manufacturing processes.
h.) We draw up emergency plans for the few environmentally critical activities and procedures that are unavoidable according to the current state of the art, if possible together with the authorities and the institutions concerned. Necessary organisational and technical measures are taken to prevent the accidental release of hazardous substances.
i.) When planning and implementing new processes, we are always guided by the latest technology.
j.) With the help of appropriate technical and organizational measures, we reduce the amount of waste and residues, environmentally harmful emissions and waste water to a minimum. The impact of the ongoing activities is regularly monitored.
k.) We influence our suppliers and service providers in line with our environmental policy.